Platinum Jubilee of Assam Agricutural University, Jorhat, Assam - India

About the conference

Numerous climate reports have demonstrated that climate change is a global problem. It has been commonly established that some nations will be more severely impacted by climate change than others, with serious consequences on biodiversity, sustainability, and eventually food security. This is also the time to frame appropriate policies, strategies, and research projects to develop technologies and measures for a climate friendly world. Now it is aptly clear that climate change poses considerable challenges to food security. Adapting food systems both to enhance food security for the poor and vulnerable and to prevent future negative impacts from climate change is the need of the hour. Meeting the challenges of climate change and food security calls for poverty eradication, reduced global inequality, assured resource rights, the promotion of stable livelihoods, and gender equity and hence these challenges need to be discussed at length at various platforms. The Prof. H.S. Srivastava Foundation for Science and Society, Lucknow (PHSSF), and Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat (AAU) are highly concerned about creating an environment for climate resilient agriculture for exchanging approaches and results obtained so far with the world community engaged in the development of climate resilient agriculture. AAU & PHSSF in a joint venture, is planning an International Conference on “BIODIVERSITY, FOOD SECURITY, SUSTAINABILITY & CLIMATE CHANGE” (ICBFSCC - 2023) during April 25-28, 2023, at AAU, Jorhat, to create a platform for international partners together with national partners to formulate appropriate policy and research directions for achieving the climate neutral goal in the shortest possible time.

Objectives of the society

It is a great privilege for the society to pave the way for interactions among the world class scientists concerning sustainable development, utilization of non-conventional and renewable sources of energy, and to undertake research as well as extension for augmentation of scientific culture and heritage of society.

Aims of ICBFSCC-2023

To bring together all stakeholders in a single platform to share knowledge, academic debate and to highlight climate change, biodiversity, agriculture sustainability research and academic activities carried out in various Universities, Research institutes, NGOs and corporate bodies across the globe.

Host institution

Assam Agricultural University is the first institution of its kind in the North-Eastern Region of India. The main goal of this institution is to produce highly competent human resources and to carry out research for production optimization as well as disseminate the generated technologies, while emphasizing on sustainability, equity and overall food security at household level.
Crop physiology, one of the frontline departments in AAU, is engaged in basic and applied innovative research on physiological problems in crops, as well as teaching UG and PG students. The department is also involved in the areas of climate change research.