1) Climate science and modeling; Impacts and adaptation assessment; Hazard prediction and preparedness, Hydrologic modeling; Snow and glaciers; Water governance: Efficiency and innovation.
2) Weather Forecast and Forecast based crop management strategies
3) Carbon sequestration; Climate Change in Himalayan ecosystem. Agroforestry is an appealing option for sequestering carbon on agricultural lands. Forests, Carbon and Climate Change – Local and International Perspectives. Assessment of ecosystem services imparted by forests.
4) Use of renewable energy for mititgation of climate change.
5) Concept of carbon neutral, carbon farming, carbon credit, carbon footprint.
6) Environmental problems of the Indian Himalayan Region
7) Earth Science & Geo Science, Use of remote sensing GIS in agriculture and Crop modeling.
8) Environmental Management of Urban areas and forest. Protected areas- management issues & solutions.
9) Disaster mitigation and management.
10) River basins, ground water, irrigation and water management
11) Solid waste management, phyto remediation, heavy metal toxicity
12) Use of space technology in Biological research, disaster management, geology, geography and geospectral, hydrological studies, land use.
1) Status, threats to and management of biodiversity; Biological invasions; Payment for ecosystem services
2) Ecosystem- Agriculture and Biodiversity Research & Documentation:– Emerging Approaches & Techniques.
3) Biodiversity & Conservation:– In-situ and ex-situ methods, Mountain Biodiversity-Landscapes, Aquatic Biodiversity Research.
4) Wildlife Research, Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods.
5) Crop and animal diversity, Agro-ecosystems and Importance of Wetlands, Cultural, Spiritual and Linguistic Linkages of Biodiversity Plant, Animal and Microbial Bio-resources- Taxonomy, Conservation, Endemism, Scopes and challenges, Himalayan Biodiversity Special– Research, Conservation.
6) Tourism concept.
7) Introduction of new crop and diversification at regional regional and global scale.
1)Sustainable management of Natural resources and environment.
2)Sustainable in relation with Agriculture, Horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries and other allied sciences.
3) Molecular biology of plant and animal , Physiological and molecular aspects of stress, stress concept in biology, phyto-remediation and nutrition stress
4) Peace full use radiation technology in agriculture e.g. development of variety through mutation etc.
5) Fishery science applications including recovery planning, design of marine protected areas, fisheries management, marine mammal conservation, stock assessment, anthropogenic impacts on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, policy, decision making, socio-political and socio-economic impacts of management actions
6) Challenges in improvement of plantation, forage, aromatic & medicinal Plants. Integrated pest management. Soil, water and nutrient management
7) Waste management: Industrial and agricultural Radioactive Waste Management
1) Life style related diseases : opportunities and challenges
2) Climate Change Threatens Health
3) Climate Change and Occupational Health , and Diseases, nutrition Mental Health, Impact of climate change on Japanese encephalitis, hepatitis E, bioavailability of iron and vitamins for human health
4) Impact of climate change on areas of cancer, stroke, diabetes, vector borne disease, tuberculosis, leishmaniasis, cardiovascular diseases, mental disorders, arthritis, skin disorders etc.
5) GIS mapping of vector borne disease with geo-climate factors.
6) Public health interventions of Health on Women and Child development, social justice etc.
7) Support for health and viability of some rural communities who have suffered from local foods to commercial foods.
8) Ensure food options remanin relevant to local cultural, physiological and biomedical needs.
9)Dietary diversity related to changing food consumption patterns in present day context.
1) Tribal and village lively hood , Nutrition, health and well-being; Development for marginalized groups
2) Conservation and Livelihood, Biodiversity Laws, Traditional Knowledge System,
3) Capacity building and skill development, Women's empowerment and enterprises
4) Promotion of conservation education; harnessing religious sentiments for restoration of ancient sacred forest,
5) Prioritize adaptation responses that are linked to climate change projections
6) Support education, public awareness and enviromental advocacy responses that can help people recognize links among social, environmental and economic components of the system
7) Gender sensitization in NRM. Indigenous Knowledge Documentation and Database.
8) Intellectual Property Rights and Bio-piracy, Peaceful use of atomic energy in medical science
1) Defining food systems and food security
2) Sustainable crop productivity in relation to climate change, integrated crop management for food security
3) Suitable technological packages and delivery systems for sustainable development of the region in harmony with local perceptions
4) Propagation and packages of high value plants in horticulture
5) Impacts of climate change on food security
6) Storage facilities and ability to change annual crop selection in response to El Nino projections, climate information relevant to farming
7) Access to formal credit for farmers and potential evaluation and readoption of traditional land management systems
8) Index-based crop insurance market access for small-scale farmers transitioning from food production based livelihood to alternative livelihood
1) Information technology related to climate change
2) Precision farming
3) Natural Farming: Scope for Environmental revitalization through natural farming.
4) Organic Farming
5) Carbon Farming
6) Bamboo based agroforestry model for northeast India
7) Use of radiation technology in biological research