Platinum Jubilee of Assam Agricutural University, Jorhat, Assam - India

Young Scientist Award for Poster Presentation

Guidelines, Eligibility and Selection Criteria

1. The upper age limit of the young participants for the award is 35 years as reckoned on December 31, 2022 (born on and after January 01, 1987).

2. Registered/Enrolled in a college/university/lab/institute for Ph.D./Research scholars/project fellow or from any discipline.

3. The duly filled registration form, Abstract (not exceeding 200 words) along with full length research paper must reach by email to , not later than 28 february 2023

4. The abstract/Paper submitted must be a single author paper and the research work has to be certified by the Guide / Supervisor / Investigator / Head.

5. The candidate should give an undertaking that the paper being submitted has not been published in any journal or presented in any other Conference / Seminar / Symposium or submitted for consideration of any award.

6. Young Scientist can present only one paper in any one Section (and no second paper will be permitted in the same or any other topic in any other section).

7. The papers submitted will be subjected to verification for authenticity. Plagiarism shall lead to cancellation of award.

8. The final selection for the Awards will be made by a duly constituted committee and the awards will be given during the valedictory ceremony.

9. The full length research papers once submitted/accepted for the above award cannot be retrieved.

10. Each nominee is required to make a brief presentation (15 minutes) about his/her research work before the concerned Sectional board of members. This may be followed by 5 minutes question-answer session / discussion

11. No nomination will be considered in absentia.

Essential at the time of presentation submit the following documents to the sectional board committee.

1. Bio-data (CV) with photograph.

2. Registration fee receipt of ICBFSCC-2023.

3. Identity card/proof of affiliation with University/Institution/College/Lab.

4. Copy of full length research paper.

5. Undertaking of the non submission of the work signed by the young participants himself/herself.

6. Letter of consent from the Head of the Institution/Department/Supervisor/Lab/University.

Evaluation Rules for International Young Scientist Award - For Best Oral Presentation


Correlation with the Theme

Problem statement and study aim.

Relevance with human welfare and society.

Rationale of the study.


Introduction and Background

Audience's attention.

Background information.

Novelty in the work.


Study Design, Results and Discussion

Clarity of experimental design.

Effective processing (statistical) and presentation of the results.

Scientifically sound discussion and interpretation of the results.



Summarized presentation of the conclusion.

Relevance of study objectives with the conclusion and it's applicability.

Identification of the inadequacies and future prospects.


Questions and Answers

Presenter's knowledge and answering ability.

Reflection of deep understanding and creative thinking of the presenter.


General Communication and Presentation Skills

Effective communication skills.

Legible information density, references and acknowledgements.

Effective presentation of visuals (graph, tables, figures and pictures etc.) with the use of latest technology.